Indian state renames dragon fruit to avoid association with China
The Indian state of Gujarat has decided to change the name of dragon fruit, claiming that the original name was associated with China, which drew derision from the countrys opposition on Wednesday.
印度古吉拉特邦地方政府决定重新命名“火龙果(dragon fruit)”,声称原名与中国有关,这在周三引起了印度国内反对派的嘲笑。
高考 四级 考研 雅思 托福 专四①be associated (with sb/sth)与(某人/某物)有关,与(某人/某物)有瓜葛to be related to a particular subject, activity etc【比如】problems associated with cancer treatment与癌症治疗有关的问题②associate oneself with sb/sth表示支持某人/某物to show that you support someone or something【例句】I associate myself with the Prime Ministers remarks.我赞同首相所言。 高考 考研 托福draw sth from sb/sth:(从…中)得到,获得to take or obtain sth from a particular source【比如】to draw support/comfort/strength from your family从家人那里得到支持/安慰/力量【例句】Zuijie drew her inspiration from her childhood experiences.最姐从儿时的经历中获得灵感。GMAT 专八derision:/dɪˈrɪʒən/n.嘲笑,嘲弄,讥笑when you show that you think someone or something is stupid or silly【例句】His speech was greeted with derision by his classmates.他的演讲遭到班上同学的讥笑。【近义表达】sarcasm,laughingstock"The Gujarat government has decided...the word dragon fruit is not appropriate, and is associated with China.The fruits shape is like a lotus, and hence we have given it a new Sanskrit name, kamalam.There is nothing political about it, "Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani told media on Tuesday.
“古吉拉特邦地方政府已经决定……火龙果这个词是不合适,会让人联想到中国。这种水果的形状像莲花一样,因此我们给它取了一个梵文新名子,叫kamalam。这没什么政治意义”,古吉拉特邦首席部长鲁帕尼(Vijay Rupani)在周二对媒体说到。
Gujarat is the home state of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The lotus, or kamal as it is called in Hindi, is the symbol of Modis ruling Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP).The spiky fruit will henceforth be known as kamalam in the state, said Rupani, who is from the BJP.
拓展词汇spiky:/ˈspaɪ.ki/① 有尖刺的;尖细的covered with spikes or having that appearance【比如】a spiky cactus 长满尖刺的仙人掌②动辄生气的;气量小的,易怒的easily annoyed and not polite【比如】a spiky teenager 暴躁易怒的少年【近义表达】narrow-minded 六级 考研 专八henceforth /ˌhensˈfɔːθ/也写作henceforward从今以后,今后,从现在起from this time on【例句】Henceforth I expect you to be punctual for meeting.我希望你今后准时到会。The development comes a few months after Modi had praised farmers in a radio programme for cultivating the dragon fruit in the arid region of Kutch in Gujarat.
托福 SAT 专四 专八 GMAT GREarid/ˈærɪd/①(土地,气候)干旱的,干燥的;少雨的,无雨的;过于干燥或贫瘠而无法生长作物的(of land or a climate) having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation【比如】hot and arid conditions炎热干燥的环境②(比喻)缺少兴趣的,无兴奋感的,无意义的(figurative)lacking in interest, excitement, or meaning【例句】My mind was arid, all inspiration gone.我才思枯竭,灵感尽失。"After that the farmers had approached me, and suggested changing the name of dragon fruit to kamalam, "Vinod Chavda, the BJP Member of Parliament from Kutch, told Reuters."I am happy that the state has accepted the proposal."
“在那之后,农民找到我,建议把火龙果的名字改成kamalam。”来自库奇的印人党议员维诺德·查维达(Vinod Chavda)对路透社表示,“我很高兴该州接受了该提议。”
There are more than 200 farmers in Kutch alone who are growing dragon fruit over 1, 500 acres, said Haresh Thakkar, a farmer from the region.
来自该地区的农民哈雷什·塔卡(Haresh Thakkar)说,仅在库奇就有200多名农民种植了超过1500英亩的火龙果。
"The Indian name of the fruit will bring more happiness to us.We feel that the acceptance level of the fruit will also increase if it is looked upon as an Indian fruit, "said Thakkar, who has been growing dragon fruit for five years.
拓展词汇look upon (sb/sth)①凝视某人或某事to gaze or peer at someone or something【例句】We climbed to the top of the ridge and looked upon our plot of land down below.我们爬到山脊上,俯瞰着下面我们的那块地。②观察、关注或考虑某人或某事to observe, regard, or consider someone or something【例句】Zuijie said looks upon the entire project as an utter failure.最姐认为整个计划是彻底的失败。The fruit is also grown in neighbouring Maharashtra state and in northeastern India.There was no sign that local governments there were planning any name change.
The opposition Congress called the name change a gimmick.
专八 GRE BECgimmick /ˈɡɪmɪk/ n.引人注意的花招,噱头(含贬义)a trick or something unusual that you do to make people notice someone or something – used to show disapproval【比如】a promotional/publicity/sales gimmick以推销/宣传/销售为目的的花招【近义表达】stunt,rick,gag,game,device,lurk"The government has nothing worthwhile to show as achievements, and is trying to divert attention from real issues, "Gujarat Congress spokesperson Manish Doshi said.
古吉拉特邦国会发言人曼尼什·多西(Manish Doshi)表示:“政府没有什么值得展示的成就,只是试图转移人们对现实问题的关注。”
六级 考研 雅思 托福 专八GREdivert /daɪˈvɜːt/ ①改变…的用途to change the use of something such as time or money【常见搭配】divert sth into/to/away from sth【例句】 The company should divert more resources into research.这家公司应该把更多的资源用于研究。②改变…的方向,使转向to change the direction in which something travels【比如】divert a river/footpath/road【例句】The high street is closed and traffic is being diverted.大街封闭,车辆正改道而行。③(故意)转移,分散(别人的注意力)to deliberately take someone’s attention from something by making them think about or notice other things【常见搭配】divert sb’s attention (away from sb/sth) 【例句】 He’d been trying to divert suspicion away from himself.他一直试图转移别人对他的怀疑。India and China are currently locked in a military standoff along their contested Himalayan border, after a bloody clash between troops left 20 Indian soldiers dead last June.New Delhi has responded by banning Chinese-made apps and curbing imports, with de-escalation talks appearing to have stalled.
四级 考研be locked in battle/combat/dispute etc:卷入或陷入斗争/战斗/争论等之中to be involved in a long, serious argument or fight with someone 【例句】They are now locked in a bitter custody battle over the three children.他们现在陷入了一场苦战,争夺三个孩子的监护权。 拓展词汇standoff /ˈstændɒf/(战斗双方的)僵持(状态)a situation in which neither side in a fight or battle can gain an advantage【例句】The two governments are currently in a standoff over who has rights to the land.关于那块土地的所有权问题双方政府目前僵持不下。 拓展词汇de-escalation/di:eskəleiʃən/n.(逐渐)降级,逐步降级;逐渐缩减,缩小;减少de-escalate/ˌdiːˈes.kə.leɪt/v.使缓和,使缓解to (cause to) become less dangerous or difficult【例句】The government has taken these measures in an attempt to de-escalate the conflict. 政府已采取这些措施试图缓和冲突。